Monday 30 November 2009

Week 7 - Issues of the body

What are the concerns with an artificial heart?

An artificial heart is a extra pumping chamber which helps to pump blood around the body for people who have failing hearts. Artificial hearts are used only on a temporary basis for those waiting for donor hearts or recovering from heart damage. An artificial heart is made up of metal and plastic and is powered by electricity which is connected by a thin cable to a control console that is worn outside of the body. The control console is used to regulate the functioning of the pump, it can be worn by a person either by a belt or a vest.

There are a few problems with artificial pumps the biggest being the risk of infection, which is high as the cable is needed to connect to the control console. There is also the problem of bleeding as pills must be taken in order to reduce the risk of blood clots causing blood clots to form more slowly. I think artificial devices are not practical for the human body as there is a risk of infection as naturally the body rejects foreign objects as its is not use to them, which could be fatal. However, I think this drawback will be a small price to pay as I think the artificial heart is vital as life expectancy will rise in the future for the human race and will continue to increase if more devices such as the artificial heart are invented.

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