Wednesday 6 January 2010

Week 9 - Virtuality, Immersion, simulacra and Avatars

Will the human life become represented as an ‘avatar’ in the distant future?

Avatar is a Hindu term meaning divinity into flesh, in English it translates as ‘incarnation’. In the 21st century avatars are described as virtual characters which people create in order to represent themselves. The avatars they create is to the creators discretion e.g. tall, short, fat or skinny, this however brings up the issue of deception. As the internet has allowed more interaction then ever before it has caused the creation of virtual worlds. Virtual worlds are where people are able to socialise over the internet but are represented as an avatar. Virtual words can be social sites, learning centres such as universities and gaming worlds e.g. ‘World of Warcraft’ and ‘the Sims’.

The creation of avatars in order to socialise with other avatars have proven to be very popular. One of the possible reasons for this is that people may perceive themselves in a different way mostly in a better way, examples being a man creating an avatar which may be slim instead of being fat. As people’s appearance are not accurate this rises the issue of deception, which then leads to problems such as paedophilia.

Avatars are now very much seen as the future as recently a film called ‘avatar’ was released showing a man who was unable to walk as a human but as an avatar was strong, fit and healthy. The man was then able to explore a foreign world as the avatar, which he wouldn’t of been able to do as a human. I personally think that humans will stay as humans. However they may represent themselves as avatars if their human form is hindering them.

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