Saturday 1 May 2010

Blog 2 - Review of Issues of Identity & intelligence: Robots & AI

In week 8 the blog posting was about ‘identity and intelligence’, the question of the week was ‘Do you think Sci-fi can ever come true?’. I concluded that I was undecided on whether sci-fi could ever come true, focusing on Cyborgs specifically. Since then my view on the topic has swayed towards Sci-fi technology not existing in the future, particularly in the less economically nations.

The phrase ‘science fiction’ in itself puts into question if it will ever come true as the word ‘fiction’ is defined as events or ideas that are not true or not factual. As these ideas are not factual, which in this case is Sci-fiction, Cyborgs in particular. A Cyborg is an idea or fantasy introduced by writers included in films. A Writer is a professional who uses language to portray an idea or an image. Therefore, writers are unaware how far technology will develop or how technology is currently developing. This, for me, means that Cyborgs are not destined to come true no more than a nuclear war.

To summarise, I think that the chance of Cyborgs being invented in the future is extremely slim as they are just ideas or fantasy’s, which have been created by writers. If Cyborgs where to be introduced into society I think there would have to be a major development in technology in order to support the argument of Cyborgs existing in the future. However, there hasn’t been a break through invention yet to sway my opinion towards Cyborgs existing in the future.

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